Sunday, February 12, 2017

3 Day week!

Hopefully these two days off will be a rest for your family.  I am excited to be meeting with teachers on Monday to work on the Language arts curriculum, and Tuesday to attend METC conference and learn some new technology techniques for the classroom.

We have switched seats, we have begun reading new novels, and we will move forward this week!
Last week's literature tests will be handed back this week.

5th Grade Language Arts:  Because of the short week, we will not have spelling this week, or a new grammar skill.  We will take a pronoun review test from our book, and work on some editing skills.

Literature:  We have begun reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis.  This novel fits our fantasy unit, and is a wonderful 5th grade read.  We will be reading it in class, however there will be homework assignments to finish chapters.  You may certainly read the book with your child.  We are going to keep a notebook as we read this novel.  The notebook will contain sketches, character lists and analysis, as well as other notes.  Students are allowed to use a spiral notebook, or put notebook paper in their vocabulary folder.  Students must have the notebook and the book at school each day.

5th grade Social studies:  We continue this week with the historical events in chapter 10.  We will hit the Boston Tea Party this week.  We will begin a combination of textbook/workbook activities and videos in class.  Some videos will have guided note taking sheets that will be completed.  If your child misses a video, they will need to view it on their own and take the notes.
We will discuss the activities of last week, and begin to develop an understanding of the colonists' feelings and view of Great Britain.  This will continue into the next chapter, and will ultimately lead to our Patriots vs. Loyalists Debate.  This event will be held during the school day, and parents are invited.  Details to follow.
**Remember all test and letter corrections are due this week Friday.

6th Grade Literature:  We continue our Historical fiction unit as we begin reading Number the Stars.   This is an award winning novel, and a great example of historical fiction.  With this unit, we will do most of the reading in class.  The book is not difficult to read.  We will use journaling and quizzes for grades as we go.  Towards the end of the novel, we will break into groups and work through a Project-based learning activity about this time in history.  This project will allow students to read from multiple sources, and record information in various ways, in order to share it with others.  Details will follow.

Last week during Independent reading time, I touched base with every student about their progress on their book report book.  I did not assign novel pages to any class this weekend, so that students still reading for the book report have an opportunity to finish their chapters.  Students should work to complete their book by this week to allow some time to complete the report.
Book reports can be completed and turned in at any point.  The due date is February 27/28(Caciano).

Enjoy your days off!  See you on Wednesday!
Mrs. Brown

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