Monday, April 11, 2016

Testing Week

Welcome to testing week.  We will still have classes this week, just not on our regular schedule and most will be modified.

Please check what is due for the week!!
We will also use this week to make up late and missing work.  Make sure to check Cornerstone throughout this week for work that is late or missing.  Assignments such as practice tests or study guides that are assigned for a completion grade cannot be made up.  Students know this ahead of time.

5th grade Language Arts:  We will not do Spelling or Grammar this week!

Literature:  Partners are finishing writing a fractured fairy tale. We will be sharing those in class this week.  We may also begin work on our final writing project of writing an original fairy tale.

We will be looking at our final Literature set of novels.  We have 4 novels to choose from that students will read.  We will look at all 4 books and by the end of the week, students will be placed in a literature group and assigned to one of the books.
This final book will follow the format we have used all year for novels.  Students will read chapters at home and complete quizzes, journals, vocabulary words and discussions for points.

5th grade Social Studies: We had a great lesson last week where each student looked at 6 different objects from the 1770's.  They filled out observation forms on each object and then made an educated guess who the items belonged to and what the items were used for. As long as they made good observations and filled out the final question, they received full points.  Grades are posted.
  We will continue to watch some Liberty Kids videos this week on the Revolutionary War and read one more section in our books.  On Friday students will receive the chapter 13 test as a take home test that will be due on Monday.

6th Grade Literature:
Holocaust Reflection Projects:  Last week Monday I assigned the students to a final individual reflection project for our Holocaust unit.  Each student is to turn in a written, art or video reflection of the things we studied and read in this unit.  The directions are posted on Google Classroom.
The project is due next Monday, April 18th.  Some of the projects will be sent into a competition sponsored by the Holocaust Museum in St. Louis, others will travel with us to The Morowitz Jewish School on our field trip May 5th (details to come).

We are working on myths. The classes have a myth assignment due this week.  We will be doing a myth comparison Monday and Tuesday in class using the Disney version of Hercules and an original written version.  It will be due the following class time.

Students will be choosing their final book of  the year to read at the beginning of next week.  They will read one last novel.  Chapters should be read at home and journals, discussion, quizzes and vocabulary will be completed at school.
**Students not keeping up with their assignments will be pulled from their group and work by themselves.

Encourage your child this week!  Tell them how smart they are and that they can and will do an awesome job on the testing.  Get plenty of sleep and eat well!!
Have a blessed week,
Mrs. Brown

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