Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week of December 11-15

There is just a week and a half left in this quarter.  There is much work to be done these last weeks.
As always make sure your student stays on top of the work.

5th Grade assignments for the week:
Monday - Literature journals assigned on Friday are due on Google classroom
Monday - 2nd draft of explorer research writing is due - on Google classroom
Tuesday - Spelling assignment, on Google classroom, due Wednesday
Tuesday - we will begin a Timeline project for literature on the computer.  It will be due on Thursday
We  will be working on Literature vocabulary words this week.  Vocab folders will be due on Friday
Thursday - Spelling test

5th grade Language Arts: Literature:  We will read the end of our class novel this week.  It has been a great book to read.  We will be working on a timeline project in class.  We will be finishing vocabulary in class as well.  There will not be a final test on the book or vocabulary words. All the grades for this unit have come from the work done while we have read the book.  Vocabulary folders will need to be complete and turned in by Friday.  Next week we will watch the movie that goes with the book.

Spelling/Grammar: This is a spelling week.  We will review the words chosen last week, complete an assignment for them and take the test on Thursday.  Students should be going over their words at home a couple times over the 2 week period.  There were quite a few low spelling grades on the last test.
We will not work on a grammar skill this week.
Writing: We will work all week on the final edits and revisions for our Explorer writing.  We will go over topic sentences, edit for spelling and grammar, and discuss the final form.  Students will have time each day in class to work on the written portion of this project.  Then they will have the weekend to make any final changes and have it ready to print.
**I will be making the paper for the Coat of Arms portion of the project available tomorrow.  Students can use any medium they wish as long as it is 12x8 or larger.

Social studies: We are working in groups to create an advertising campaign for one of the colonies we are studying.  We will work on that Monday and Tuesday with presentations probably on Wednesday.  All work should be done at school.  We will then be done with chapter 7.  We will most likely take the test Tuesday of next week.  I will let you know the exact date.

***Don't forget the Explorer research project and Coat of Arms is due on Monday, December 18th.  Directions are posted on this blog under social studies and on Google classroom.


6th Grade Literature:  We will finish reading our class novel Hatchet this week.  Monday and Tuesday students are presenting the Survival proposals in class.  They have chosen the groups and designed the survival presentation.
The final journal will be assigned Monday/Tuesday and due the following class.  Wednesday/Thursday after we complete the book, the final quiz will be assigned.  We will be working on vocabulary as we finish reading.  Vocabulary folders are due next week Tuesday/Wednesday.
There will not be a final test over the book or vocabulary words.  
It is very important that these final assignments are done correctly and turned in on time.  There will not be time to re-do them.
We will take the last 2 class times and watch the movie that was made to go along with the book.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Blessings on the week ahead,
Mrs. Brown

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