Sunday, December 17, 2017

Twas the last week before Christmas

We find ourselves at the last week before Christmas and the end of second quarter.
We will again be finishing up several units this week and both literature classes will be celebrating the novels by watching the film version.

**All missing or late work must be turned in this week.  I will be reminding students with missing work to turn it in before quarter's end.  I will be inside all this week at lunch and recess for those needing to work on things.

5th Grade assignments for this week:
**Monday - Explorer report and Coat of Arms project is due.  I will print the report at school, but it must be complete and submitted.  All Coat of Arms projects are due in class.
Tuesday - Chapter 17 Social studies test - It will be open note and open book.  We will review for it on Monday  and any needed study materials will come home.

5th grade Language Arts:  Literature:  We have finished reading The Sign of the Beaver.  We have completed our last 2 assignments and they were turned in.  Look for a grade for the vocabulary folder and a timeline both this week.  I checked student's vocabulary folders as they finished them and circled things to be corrected.  Many students turned it in without making the corrections.

Spelling/Grammar:  We will not work on either of these this week. 

Writing:  We will take a day to assemble our Explorer reports.  We will have some time to share them in small groups.  We will probably wait to present the Coat of Arms until after break.

Social Studies:  We are going to take the chapter 17 test on Tuesday.  We have finished our Colonial billboard projects and will be voting on them this week.  The test again contains a huge amount of information, so students will be allowed to use their workbook of notes and book.  We will still review on Monday and go over any tough information.


6th Grade Literature:  We are wrapping up the final assignments for literature.  Vocabulary folders and the final quiz are the last 2 assignments due.  We will be watching the movie version of Hatchet this week in class.  Any students with missing work will have that time to complete what is owed.
Students should check Educate!!

**Both 5th and 6th grade literature:  We will have a book report due third quarter.  Students in both grades will need to read a book that they have not read before.  It does not have to be a certain genre, but cannot be a graphic novel.  Books should be shown to the literature teacher for approval.  They may begin reading at any time.  Choices of book reports will be given out after break.

Have a very blessed Christmas
I pray your family can rejoice in the gift of Christ our Savior.

Mrs. Brown

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