Testing week is over. The students did a great job working hard on the tests and doing their best. We are glad they are over so that we can continue on with our 4th quarter units.
We have lots of time left in the quarter and lots of work left to do. Make sure your child doesn't check out early and continues to keep up with the assignments.
March Madness Tournament of Books comes to an end! This will be the last week to read the books from the tournament. We are down to our 2 finalists. Jason Reynolds and the book Ghost vs. Jennifer Nielsen who has written The False Prince and A Night Divided. All 5th and 6th graders were required to read one book from the tournament list. Students that read more will receive extra points on Educate. Many students have books checked our from me that I have checked out from the library. These are due no later than April 30.
5th Grade due this week
Monday: Irregular verb assignment on google classroom. Assigned on Friday
Final copy of Fantasy story including cover, illustrations and all completed edits.
I will be printing them on Monday to be bound.
Tuesday: New spelling words assigned. Competed word list with 20 words due Wednesday.
Adjective worksheet due today. Assigned Monday.
Wednesday: Poetry Recitation due
We will begin our last Book Club book. Calendar on Google classroom
Thursday: Spelling assignment from Wednesday due. On google classroom
5th Grade Language Arts: Literature: We have been working through a poetry unit. We have been reading a variety of poetry and taking notes and observations on it. We have been working on looking at Author's Craft as we read, observe and discuss the poems. Groups last week were assigned a Poetry recitation project. Groups of 4-5 have chosen a poem and worked to recite it to the class. We will be performing the recitations Wednesday at 12:40 in Mrs. Brown's room.
We will begin our last book club book on Wednesday as well. Groups will be receiving a novel written in Prose. A calendar for each book will be set up on google classroom. Some reading will need to be done at home, but a great deal will be done at school. We will have comprehension questions and journal assignments as we read.
Spelling/Grammar: We will have 2 more units of spelling. We will choose new words this week and the test will be Thursday, May 3. We will be working again on grammar skills. these assignments will be on Google classroom or as a worksheet. Keep an eye on Educate for missing work.
Writing: Our fantasy stories based off of the book The Mysteries of Harris Burdick are complete!! All final pieces are due on Monday. I will be printing the stories and we will assemble them this week. then we will have them bound. We will have an Author's share and celebration to read the stories sometime in the next couple of weeks. I will let you know when that is set, and parents are welcome to come!
6th Grade Literature: We have finished up our unit on Historical Fiction and the Holocaust. It was a very worthwhile unit and students learned a lot and read a variety of literature through it.
We are moving on to our last unit: Mythology and Fantasy. We will begin with Mythology. We will take notes and read 3 myths from our Yellow anthology book. Then we will do a comparison of 2 versions of the Hercules story. All of these will have assignments on Google classroom.
We will then complete one last book club book. Students can read a book from this last genre, and form a group of 2-6 other students reading it as well.
We will have journal assignments, and comprehension questions and they will need to be able to finish the book in the remaining weeks. We will be going over choices and books that I have copies of at school next week.
Keep an eye on Educate to make sure all Lit assignments are turned in. We still have numerous assignments left to complete.
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