Monday, February 12, 2018

Week of Feb. 14-16

Hopefully you are enjoying your days off.  Those 5th and 6th graders still reading their book report books, should take advantage of these days and work to finish the reading.

This is a short week, but we still have a lot going on!

5th grade assignments:
Wednesday - Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe quiz is due. On Google classroom
Thursday - Social studies chapter 10 test.  Study guide came home last Friday.
Thursday - Spelling test 
Friday - Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe journal

5th Grade Language Arts: Literature:   Our class novel is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  We are reading the majority in class, but there will be home assignments of one chapter at a time.  Check your child's planner for these assignments.  We worked on a quiz last Friday, that is due on Wednesday.  We will work on a journal this week as well.  As we read, we are sketching and writing in our reader's notebook.  Absent students will have to see what they missed and complete it.

Spelling/Grammar:  We will take a break from grammar skills as we begin writing daily.  Spelling words were chosen last week and the test is this week Thursday.
Writing:  We will be writing daily for the next several weeks.  We are working on fantasy writing.  We will begin with using our notebooks.  Again, absent students will need to see what they missed and make it up.

Social Studies:  We learned a lot in chapter 10 about events that will lead us into the American Revolution.  The test is Thursday of this week.  We spent several days last week working on the study guide.  It should have come home on Friday to go over.  It is not an open note test.
Our next chapter will revolve around a debate of Loyalists vs. Patriots.  I will let you know as soon as I have a date for each class' debate.  It is a lot of fun to come and watch.


6th Grade Literature:  Our class novel Number the Stars is going well.  We will read the majority at school, but students will receive short reading assignments at home.  We have taken our first quiz, and a journal is due this week.  Keep checking on Educate, that all this work is being turned in on time and complete.  This week Thursday/ Friday we are involving the student's in an activity revolving around the book Hana's suitcase.  It will connect well to other aspects of this unit, and we are excited to introduce this awesome story to the students.

Keep working on Book reports.  Directions posted both here on the blog and Google classroom!
Mrs. Brown

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