Friday, September 29, 2017

Week Of October 2-6

Only two weeks left in the first quarter!!  That is so hard to believe.  I have spent some time going over with students assignments that are still missing or incomplete.  They should continue to check Educate and discuss with teachers grades that are a concern.  Do not wait until the last day of the quarter to ask!!

As the quarter comes to an end, we are wrapping up many of our units as well.  Some will include a final evaluation, vocabulary work or final writing piece.  I will send notices as we approach these finals.

5th grade Language Arts: Literature:  We plan to finish reading Wonder by the week's end or early the following week.  We have so enjoyed this wonderful book and have had amazing discussions about the topics that it brings up.  We will be finishing vocabulary this week as well.  Vocabulary words have all been done in class and are in a vocab folder.  The folder itself will receive a grade, and there will be a test over the words as well.  I will notify you of the exact date of the vocab test as we get closer.  There will be a final test over the book as well.  Students should not have to study for the book test.  I will notify you of that test date.

We will then be moving on into book clubs.  There will be 4-5 choices of books that students can read.  I will publish a list of those, so that you can review them.  Students will be placed in a book based on interest and reading level.

English/Writing:  Spelling words were chosen last week Tuesday.  Your child's words are on Google classroom. They have 20 words.  We have used Spelling City to practice.  They will have Spelling homework Tuesday of this week, due on Wednesday.  The test over these words is Thursday, October 5th.
I am so proud of the 5th graders in writing.  They have worked so diligently in writing their personal narratives.  This past week I had them take the story and begin a new draft from the start, trying to tell the same story in a different way.  We will use this week to revise those drafts.  The following week will be editing and the we will publish our first story!!
The stories will be on Seesaw and we will let you know when that happens.
As we get to the editing stage, we will take some time and go over some grammar skills.  There will be grammar homework, posted on Google classroom.

Social Studies:  We have a big week ahead in social studies.  Groups have spent two days researching their Native American tribe.  Now they are working on creating artifacts to represent their research.  Each group will need a shoe box to hold their artifacts. Artifacts must be completed and in the shoe box by Tuesday morning.
Akerson's class will go outside for the dig at 8:25 am Tuesday. It will end around 9:25.  We will be at the sand pits on the far end of the playground.
Brown's class will head out about 10:45.  We will be finished at 11:45.
    Wednesday, we will sort and evaluate the artifacts dug up by each group.  We will hypothesize what tribe the artifacts came from.
Thursday is our field trip to Cahokia Mounds.  We are so excited to get to visit this historic site in our own backyard.  We will leave CCLS at 10:45 and return at 2:45.  All students need a sack lunch (throw away)!  If you plan to attend, and have not told us, please let us know by Tuesday.  Parents will need to transport themselves, but cannot transport students - even their own.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


6th Grade Literature:  This week we will wrap up our reading of True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.  Students are working in groups to create character presentations that focus on the 5 types of characterization.  This author uses all 5 types.  Presentations will be this week and worth 40 points.
This week will also be Quiz #2 for the book.  It will be on Google Classroom.
At the end of the week we will complete vocabulary for the book.  Vocabulary has been done together in class.  It is kept in a vocabulary folder.  Folders will be graded as well as a final test over the words.
We are setting the final vocabulary and book test for True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle for Thursday/Friday October 12/13 (depending A/B day).

We will move on from Charlotte Doyle into Book Clubs.  There will be 5 book choices for 6th graders to read.  All have the same genre and similar theme.  We will post the books next week so that you can look at them.  Students will be placed by interest and reading level.

6th graders need to make sure they have checked Educate.  There is still some outstanding work at this time and only 2 weeks left in the quarter.  I will accept the work even if it is late.

I am looking forward to a great week ahead.
Blessings on your weekend - hopefully you can find time to fellowship at the Carnival or CCLS Sunday.
Mrs. Brown

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