We have arrived at the last week of the third quarter.
We will spend time this week reviewing Educate and any missing work.
**All missing work must be in by Friday, March 10th.
I have not been able to grade all the late and missing work that has been turned in recently. I will grade it before report cards. Your child can check that I have it, but I will grade it at the end of the quarter.
5th Grade Language Arts:
Spelling: Pages 142-145 are due Thursday. We will take the pretest on Monday and the final test will be Thursday. Last week was a tough week and many students struggled. After taking the pretest, help your student find time to look over the words they missed.
Grammar: We continue with adjectives. We will work on the skill pages together on Tuesday. We have been adjusting the assignments based on the skill and students' prior knowledge. We will work on proofreading page 143 on Thursday and the final third quarter quiz on Friday.
Literature: We are on the last 3 chapters of Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe. It has been a great book to read together. We have moved through it quickly. We will finish it by Wednesday of this week. There will be one more set of quiz questions and one more journal. We will finish up vocabulary the week before break and it will be counted as a fourth quarter grade. Each student is developing their own personal vocabulary list, so they will be graded on their folder and not a test grade.
We will plan on watching the movie before break as well. I will send out an email about the movie. You may certainly choose for your child to not view the film at school.
5th Grade social studies:
On Tuesday students will receive the chapter 10 test back. We will look at where their social studies grade stands after that test. Test corrections will be allowed, but will have to be made by Friday, 3/10.
We have begun Chapter 11 which is set up as a debate. We have broken into groups and been assigned a historical figure to portray. Half of the figures are Loyalists and the others are Patriots. After a week of preparation the two sides will go against each other in a debate. This activity allows each student to have a part, and dress in costume. Some time this week, your student will let you know what they need to wear.
Please plan to attend this special event. The Brown class debate will be Tuesday, March 14 from 8:30-9:30am. The Akerson class debate will be Wednesday, March 15 at that same time.
6th Grade Literature:
We are at the halfway point in our reading of Number the Stars. We will finish the book before spring break, but will continue to work on this unit. The final test and vocabulary parts of the book will be on fourth quarters grade. We will begin a research project that goes with this unit, and watch a wonderful documentary called "Paper Clips" as well as a movie that parallels the book well.
**Book reports were turned in last week. We spent several days presenting them in groups. Students were able to discuss and ask questions about a variety of books. Hopefully some of the books they heard about will be books they decide to read.
Blessings on your week!
Mrs. Brown
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