Welcome Back!!
Even though it is cold outside,we are excited to begin brand new units of study for third quarter.
Highlights for second quarter include finishing our group novels and moving into class novels. Both Sign of the Beaver (5th) and Hatchet (6th) were great books, and we enjoyed the great discussions that came from them. 6th grade had a survival competition and winning presentations received a candy reward.
U.S. History took us into the beginning of the colonies and an in depth study of Jamestown and other early settlements.
Third quarter is my favorite quarter of study!! 6th grade will focus on Historical fiction and become immersed in a Project based learning unit. 5th grade will get into Fantasy, and science fiction with a wonderful class novel. And U.S. History takes us into the Colonial period and leads us through the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
Last week we spent some time taking a learning style inventory to determine each students' learning style. We then discussed good ways to approach homework and studying based on that learning style. I will be sending this information home at some point this quarter. We set individual goals for third quarter as well.
This week...
**Look for information and the due date for Third quarter book report to come home. This is the only book report we will do all year, and will be the large project for both Lit classes. Students can read almost any book that is on their reading level. I will be checking books by the end of the week. We have spent some class time looking at book sites and even taking reading interest inventories to focus on books that will be enjoyable.
Students will have a choice between several different book reports. We will go over all the choices and look at examples early this week. I will then post the directions on this blog under Literature. The choices are varied and hopefully students can find a report type that matches their learning style and interests.
** A great goal is to read the book within the next month while we are working on short stories in class, and then be able to work on the report as we move back into class novels.
5th grade Language Arts: Spelling: Third quarter spelling will not change. Third quarter words are posted on this blog. We will take the pretest on Monday and the pages are due Thursday along with the final test. We are working on pages 98-101 this week.
Grammar: Grammar as well will not change format. We will continue to do 2 days of skills together in class. Proofreading is assigned on Thursday, due on Friday, and the weekly assessment is Friday. We will begin Pronouns this week on p.97.
**Remember both the Spelling book and Grammar book are accessible on my blog. You can print pages if your child forgets the book at school.
Literature: To introduce Science Fiction and Fantasy as a genre, we will be reading 2 excellent stories form the Treasures book. There will be questions with those and an individual creative project all posted on Google classroom. We will then be moving into a unit on author Chris Van Allsburg and his picture books. All of this will eventually lead us into reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. **Again I recommend students read their book report book now, before we begin the novel. They will be given class time to read.
Social Studies: We are working through Chapter 8 on Slavery. We will be working through some class simulations this week on this subject. There will be a short chapter quiz possibly at the end of the week. I will let you know.
6th Grade LIterature: We have finished Hatchet and are finishing the movie as well. Students were given the final test to take home before break, and the tests were due on Friday for Hieber and Monday for Caciano. This will be the first 3rd quarter grade. Unfortunately, several students already have a late grade for not turning it in on Friday. Check Educate by the end of the week to make sure this test was turned in. It was take home and they were able to use the book.
We will begin Historical Fiction. We will read several stories from our yellow Lit textbook. There will be assignments on Google Classroom for these stories. Eventually this will lead us into the reading of Number the Stars and a large group project. **Again I recommend students read their book report book now, before we begin the novel. They will be getting time in class to read.
I am excited to begin third quarter, and spend more time on each student's individual interest and improvement in reading.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Brown
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